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Fascinating Benefits of Follow-ups Towards Boosting Your Conversion Rates

For how long do you follow up on your prospects? If you follow up at all. Do you just leave your leads to move on after the first approach? Then you are losing out. Most of the sales require continuous follow-ups, yet the majority of salespeople lose interest after one or two attempts.

For example, according to Marketing Donut, only 2% of sales occur at the first meeting. Guess what? The other 98% happen when your leads move from interest to purchase after they reach a certain level of trust for your business.

Furthermore, it shows the following statistics:

  • 44% of salespeople lose interest on the first attempt.
  • 22% lose interest on the second attempt.
  • 14% lose interest on the third attempt.
  • 12% lose interest on the fourth attempt.

What does this mean? The 92% of sales people give up before the fifth attempt and only 8% move on with the struggle. Case in point, 80% of sales happen after approximately the fifth follow-up. However, you can achieve this with a customer success platform that allows you to continuously follow-up on your leads 24/7.

Here’s how follow-ups boosts your conversion rates:

It Keeps Your Leads Engaged

Timely follow-ups with your leads keep them engaged in your sales funnel until they make a buying decision. Indeed, while following up on them, you provide them with enough feedback and resolve their problems in less time.

Remember, these timely follow-ups can also re-engage your inactive or dormant leads back into your sales funnel until a sale is made.

It Boosts Customer Retention

Consistent follow-up on your existing customers even after they have already made a purchase impresses them and increases even more the interest they have in your business. If you don’t re-approach your current customers, the majority don’t come back even if they are satisfied.

Look at this:
A study by Bain and Company shows that 60 to 80% of customers who consider themselves being satisfied don’t go back to the business that initially satisfied them. This shows the need for continuous communication with your customers.

As a matter of fact, it’s cheaper to keep an existing client than attract a new one and returning customers have a tendency of buying more from your business with time. Thus, your conversion rate is optimized at lower costs because you spend less on re-engaging your current customers with follow-ups.

It Bonds Customers and Leads with Your Business

Customers always need care and with timely follow-ups, some of which you can personalize, they are assured that you value them. Imagine how the customers/leads feel when you send them personalized support messages or reminders with the exact information they need.

They feel at home with your business and this plays the golden role of moving them from interest to purchase, discouraging them from looking further elsewhere.

Optimizing Your Conversion Rate

Follow-up is one of the biggest secrets of succeeding in sales optimization and guess what? If you embrace the best customer success platform, you can enjoy the fruits of a personalized, 24/7 follow-up service.

About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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