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Why connect Slaask to your Facebook page?

2 billion monthly active users also means 2 billion potential leads

It’s awesome! Facebook just announced that they have officially hit the 2 billion monthly users mark. This means that two-thirds of the world’s Internet users connect at least once a month on Facebook! Unbelievable!

And it also means… 2 billion potential leads: This is why we recommend you to connect your Facebook page to Slaask in order to connect your company’s bot (that you can define inside Slaask) not only with your website audience but also with your Facebook audience.

Social networking sites such as Facebook have evolved in such a way that it is now well established that they are platforms for marketing and advertising. Social networking sites cannot be ignored anymore when it comes to customer communication.

“Social care” is not a new concept, yet providing multi-channel support that includes social media can present real challenges for companies both large and small, along with opportunities to positively impact sales and customer loyalty.

Keeping all your communications in one place is a very powerful solution to social care. With Slaask, you can use Slack to chat with your leads and customers not only when they are on your website, but also when they are on your mobile apps and your Facebook page.


Communicate in real time with your leads and customers

If you connect your Slack to Facebook via Slaask:

As your users spend time on your Facebook page, you can chat with them wherever they are.

People will easily visit your company’s Facebook page but not always your website; it’s much more easy to chat with them via Facebook.

It’s also much easier for you as you can answer all of the customers on Slack! Don’t forget tthat having all customers in one place is better for your customer support and is a huge time-saver.

Are you ready? Connect your Facebook Page to Slaask now!


You’re away? Let the bot takes over!

Slaask provides a virtual customer assistant — chat bot — to help you better manage your interactions with your leads and customers. Your bot works with your Facebook Page by pushing your documentation/FAQ/knowledge base to your leads and customers and can take care of your company’s support in your absence 🙂

Always remember that the goal of a virtual customer assistant is not to fully replace your customer care representatives, but rather improve the quality of your service, help your team reduce your company’s average response time, and better handle a large volume of live chats.

Set up your own bot now!
About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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