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3 Ways You Can Use Survey to Revive Your Inactive Customers

3 Ways You Can Use Survey to Revive Your Inactive Customers

A study by Invesp shows that it is five times more expensive to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. Popular saying right?

But, that’s not all, research by Bain and company, highlights that if you can keep your customer retention at 5%, you will get a 25% increase in profit.

These two studies highlight the same thing: Ensure you don’t lose your existing customers.

One cool tool to achieve this is a survey.

Good news: Slaask allows you to use all forms of survey.

A survey is a research tool used to gather insight. The use of survey on websites is fast becoming a necessity. It is a success tip that shouldn’t be overlooked. Apart from reducing the churn rate, it helps businesses to understand their product and customers better.

By using Slaask – the customer service app for all Slack users, you can keep track of all your customers and their journey. What’s more, Slaask allows you three survey options.

Top 3 Reasons to Use Survey

You Get to Understand Their Silence

Every customer has a reason for going inactive – as a business owner or marketer, you deserve to know why. Get to know the reason for their inactivity.

Also, ask how you can serve them better. Are your products outdated? Did they have issues with your service? Was their first encounter with your company poor? Be objective and let them pour out their minds.

Customers love to feel special, make them feel important by telling them their feedback was noticed and will be implemented.

They Become Loyal and Immune to Your Pricing

One company that enjoys this benefit is Apple. No matter how expensive Apple products are, people are willing to buy their phones and tablets. Your loyal customers are lurking right in between your inactive customers. You need a survey to find, build and maintain that loyalty. Once a customer becomes loyal to your brand, they become immune to your price – your price will never be too high!

You Get a Stronger Customer Base

Business is more than buying and selling. You need a strong customer base for upselling or cross-selling. Also, you need a strong customer base to make accurate sales forecast. You get to measure, understand and sell based on their behavioural pattern. In general, using survey to understand your customers helps to reduce your churn rate and boosts sales.

Three Things to Note Before Starting Your Survey

  • Keep it short and simple – it’s a survey, not an essay.
  • Be sure to ask the right questions – don’t beat about the bush or re-pitch your idea.
  • Don’t be offensive – don’t tell them why you think they left, simply ask!

You Shouldn’t Give up Customers Without a Fight

Every customer is worth your time. You have scaled the hurdle of bringing them on board. You should be ready to do whatever it takes to keep them.

About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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