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4 Proven Hacks to Keep Your Customers Engaged in the Sales Funnel

4 Proven Hacks to Keep Your Customers Engaged

Closing consistent sales is one of the biggest achievements you can dream of as a salesperson. However, the challenge is keeping your customers engaged at every step in the sales funnel. Here are 4 valuable hacks to help you out:

Quick Response

Customers are more influential in the digital landscape today than before. They need you to hear their voices and deliver feedback on time about your company, products or services.

In consequence, when your customers chat with one of the company’s representatives, they feel a sense of belonging and a strong connection is built between them and your business.

Look at this:
Foster Research shows that 57% of potential customers give up on their purchase if they don’t get quick responses to their questions. So, by implementing a live customer service, you improve significantly customer experience by responding quickly to your leads’ and customers’ questions.

Upselling and Cross-Selling

When you chat with customers using a customer service app like Slaask, and get to know their needs, you win an opportunity to recommend more of your products or services to them. This increases the average order value.

A research by Internet Retailor found out that Virgin Airlines used instant customer communication for their business transformation. Thanks to that, they upsold customers with more products, converted them 3.5 times more and saw an increase of 15% in the average order value.

Building Trust

In order to build customer engagement, you must win their trust. As a matter of fact, customers are naturally reluctant to engage in a purchase decision with a business they barely know. It’s human. However, with a live customer service, individuals can have direct conversations with buyers. This gives you the golden opportunity to break the ice and build trust with them.

A study by ATG into consumer trends globally found out that 90% of customers said that a live chat button builds their confidence. Thus, it wins their trust.

Consistent Communication

Customers today have many questions and are frequently online looking for answers before buying. You must listen to customer’s feedback and provide specific information to them in real time. Consistent communication also increases customer engagement and gives you an opportunity to help them overcome objections until they buy.

According to a study by Marketing power, customers who use your live customer service are three times more likely to buy. Why? Because it engages them with your company through a direct and personal interaction.

Ready, set, go!

Listening to customer’s feedback and providing timely responses is crucial today in keeping your customers engaged through the sales funnel, embrace it.

About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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