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Cracking the Customer Loyalty Code with Feedback

Cracking the Customer Loyalty Code with Feedback

Winning long-term customer loyalty is vital for the long-term survival of your business. Why? As loyal customers mean more sales and they tend to spend more on your business compared to new customers.

However, so as to achieve this, you need to collect feedback from your customers/leads to make sure that all their issues are handled appropriately. As a matter of fact, most customers are reluctant to provide feedback, that’s why you must proactively reach out to them and ask for it.

Look at this:
67% of customers reveal that bad experiences are the reasons they churn a business, but only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complains. The good news is that a live customer service has got your back on this because you can approach customers conveniently for their feedback.

Here’s how you can use feedback to win more customer loyalty:

Evaluate Your Support Team’s Performance

Your support team represents your business on the market, that’s why they need to keep up a good public image. Customer feedback on your team’s performance helps you evaluate how satisfied your customers are with their services. It points out your support team’s weak areas that you can work on to improve your customers’ experiences and make them feel special.

For example, a New Voice Media study on the impacts of a poor customer service shows that 42% of customers get annoyed by rude/unhelpful staff, 25% lose interest when put on hold and 25% are also put off when your staff lacks knowledge on their issues. Thus, the need to monitor your support team’s performance in a given time period.

Strengthen Your Brand Reputation

When you receive customer feedback and work on it appropriately, you win more customer trust and reduce churn thanks to live response. This also promotes your business on the market. Wondering how? Happy customers share the good news with others and customers trust more reviews from fellow customers who are satisfied with your services.

Look: a Bright Local study reveals that 85% of consumers trust online reviews as personal recommendations. More so, 73% of customers trust businesses with positive reviews.

Upsell and Cross-sell To Your Customers

The right time to sell more to your customers is when they are satisfied and happy with your business. Always consult and engage with your customers in order to identify the satisfied customers to whom you can sell more. Furthermore, you can solve customer issues making unhappy customers feel special and driving them to buy from you again.

According to Glance, when you solve unhappy customers’ issues, 70% of them are ready to purchase from your business again.

Improve on Your Products and Services

Feedback on your products and services gives you the golden opportunity to identify where to make adjustments to meet your customers’ needs. It helps you in using your customers’ voices to create products/services that fit your customers’ specifications. This reduces churn thanks to live response for accommodating customers’ voices.

Case in point: according to a survey by Yotpo, 55% of customers reveal that their dominant loyalty factor to a business is product quality.

Tapping into The Customer Voice

The customer’s voice is key in winning customer loyalty because they reveal their expectations from your business which you must strive to meet. Best of all, a live customer service is a goldmine to customer feedback as it can be integrated with different communication channels like their social media accounts. More so with chat transcripts, you can evaluate how your team is performing.

About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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