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Happy Customer, Great Sales!

When your customers are happy there is no doubt that the potential for your business to generate sales will be boosted. However, keeping your customers happy is no easy task and many businesses have crumbled within the first couple of years of their existence, as a result of low sales turnover that can be directly linked to poor patronage from unhappy customers.

To give your business an edge in your industry of operation, you will need to come up with viable ways to keep your customers happy, as when you do, you are sure to retain their patronage and loyalty. By making use of smart customer service tips that we, at, Slaask provide you with, you can keep your customers truly happy, satisfied and yearning for more from your business.

The Making Of A Happy Customer

Whether you are running a business-to-customer (B2C) or a business-to-business (B2B) operation, a happy customer is still a person or entity that is fully satisfied with the product/service that you are providing, the price of your commodity and your customer service delivery.

Your business could have commodities that are affordable, but your service delivery could be awful at the same time. On the other hand you could have the best customer service delivery, but inferior products.

As a business you would have to create a near perfect balance between the quality of your products/services, the affordability of your commodities and your service delivery. If you are able to achieve a seamless relationship with all three, then you are most likely to win over customers to your business and have repeated sales, as they would be fully satisfied with what they are getting for their money’s worth.

How Do You Create This Balance?

You can start today by using an online customer service application such as Slaask that can help your business to grow by providing you with a platform to effectively communicate with your customers and for you to know their exact needs, as well as their reservations about your business operation, product/service, pricing and your customer service delivery.

When you make use of an online customer support app, your business can gain an edge in your industry of operation, as the quality and the nature of your communication with your customers improve. This new technology can enhance your interaction with your customers and in the process you can satisfy their needs better and keep them happy.

A customer service app can help you meet the needs of your customers when used in a smart way; here are five tips to make your customers happy when you incorporate this new technology as part of your marketing and sales strategy.

Increase Your Direct Interact With Your Customers

Your business can reach out to your customers directly and attend to their specific needs when you make use of the one-on-one messaging services that an online customer support app provides. Customers like that extra attention and you can make them happy, as well as win over their loyalty and repeat patronage.

Let Your Customers Voice Out Their Dissatisfaction

Customer support apps have organised private and group chats where your customers can voice out their discontent about your business and this can help you to better understand their specific individual needs. When you know what a customer requires, you can improve your service delivery to meet their needs and keep them happy.

Announce Special Offers

With this new technology you have the opportunity to broadcast special offers instantaneously to all your customers, such as special price discounts and sales promos. Customers are drawn to special offers and with a customer service app such as Slaask, you can get to transmit this message quickly and to a wider audience. The more customers that are satisfied with your special offer, the more customers you would have made happy.

Share In Your Customers’ Personal Experience

When you get a little personal with your customers, you could earn their trust, loyalty and continued patronage. With an online customer service app, you can get to profile each of your customers by collating their personal information, such as the date of their birthday and other special anniversaries. Sending your best wishes to a customer on their special day can mean a lot to them, you could even give them special offers on their special date as well and share in their celebration.

Frequently Reach Out To Your Customers

Every customer wants to feel special, you can make them happy by reaching out to them as often as possible to know their needs and how you can satisfy them. With an archiving option available in Slaask, you can get to retrieve important information about the activities of your customers, such as the last item bought and the date of purchase. The more information you have about the purchasing activities of your customers, the easier it is for you to make them happy by understanding their purchasing behaviour and regularly providing them with what they need.

On a final note; by providing the best customer service delivery possible, like we do at Slaask, you can retain the patronage and loyalty of your customers because they will always be satisfied and happy with the way you treat them.

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About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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