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Engagement, closeness and availability: the keys for your lead conversion

Slaask is a great tool for your customer support. With Slaask, you no longer need to use a standalone customer chat tool. Your customer chat tool is finally fully integrated into Slack.

But the use of Slaask is not limited to customer support. You can actually use Slaask in a number of ways.

Slaask is a great tool for converting your leads into customers (conversion tool). You can convert your leads into customers directly from Slack.

To do so, we recommend you be as proactive as possible when engaging with your leads.

Set up a welcome message

First, welcome your leads with a nice message. The welcome message will pop up on your website when your visitor first arrives.

A nice welcome message is one of the most useful ways to make your leads aware that you are right there to help them! You can also use this welcome message to introduce your concept to your visitors or to pitch your company. We also recommend you to use the end of your welcome message to invite your visitors to chat with your team in order to increase engagement, and thus conversion.

Trigger messages to your leads

You also have the option to trigger any message to your leads. Slaask basic/alert popups have been designed to help you convey a specific message to encourage leads to ask questions related to a specific page.

Even better, you can also customize messages specifically for certain groups of leads based on their personal information in order to make them feel comfortable!

Every unique visitor represents a new opportunity for conversion.

There are other great options to get all the information you need or want regarding your leads as well. When you have access to your visitors’ information or details, you can adapt your speech to any individual lead, and that’s very important if you want to convert your leads into customers: it saves you time and it brings a lot of value to your leads.

Get your user’s personal information right inside Slack

You and your team can now use our ‘identify’ function to automatically see all information regarding your existing users.

You can see where they come from, their language, time zone, the numbers of pages they’ve been to, their device, email address, name, business’s name, website, etc.

For example, if the visitor has a free plan, he’s a potential customer. You need to focus on him. You can also see how many conversations you’ve had with this person, so you can evaluate how he/she could use your product. All the information you get is valuable when adapting your speech to your lead.

Finally, we recommend 24/7 availability to truly attract your leads.

Enable a virtual customer assistant (also known as bot)

Virtual customer assistants offer enormous potential to your team members by giving them more time to focus on important tasks, instead of just answering common questions. This gives your leads a more qualitative experience through conversation.

When no one on your team is available to chat with your leads, they can focus on chatting with your bot. By enriching your knowledge base over time, your bot will become an amazing lead generator for your company.

About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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