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Tidy contacts mean no drawbacks

We have updated our Contacts page! We all need to keep our contacts nice and tidy. We have changed the look a bit to make it work better for you.  But we didn’t stop there!


Personalized views

You can now create personalized views and see only what you need or want to. You can use the Customize button in the top right-hand corner of the page to sort your contacts. For example, you might choose to show their email or their first name, depending on what is important to you.


Segmenting your contacts

You can segment your contacts. For example, you may want to sort your contacts depending on the country they are in. To do this, you have an Edit segments button at the top of the page. You can give your segments different titles and Slaask will sort your contacts automatically according to the filters you add. Your segment will then be displayed at the top of your contacts page.


Thanks to this update, you can also search for specific contacts: by first names, so you have a list of all the Kevins for instance, or by last names, email addresses, etc. So, let’s get sorting!

About the author
Alexis Lewalle

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